The centenary of the Republic of Türkiye, the hope of humanity.
13.11.23, Monday
We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Anatolia, exhausted by long wars, rises from its ashes like a Phoenix, resurrects with a holy spirit and becomes a great and unforgettable torment for the enemy. Türkiye was created as a continuation of the Ottoman Empire, following the great struggle for salvation against the occupation of Western imperialist countries, with the withdrawal of the enemy from the homeland, and the Republic was the fruit of the magnificent victory in the War of Salvation.
Although there have been practices of alienation of the people and their values, the Republic has always returned to the spirit of the 1920s, and the foreign-centred coups d'état and social engineering that sought to disrupt this process have been destroyed, each time striking at the nation's unshakeable conscience. Our nation has been integrated into the State by eliminating from the veins of the Republic the anti-people mentality that the imperialists were trying to inject into the Republic of Türkiye and by bringing the accumulation of civilisation into the State.
The history of our Republic has been devoted to the struggle against the imperialist plans, tutelage and alienation that sought to suffocate the nation and its will. For the Anatolian people, the Republic is the continuation of the Seljuks and Ottomans. While the Anatolian people, who gave thousands of martyrs to protect the Republic, protected the Republic under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, they also fought against the understanding that ignored its values and rejected its roots, reunited the Republic with its historical roots and accepted it as part of historical continuity. The Republic has grown and become stronger as it connects with its roots. By establishing relations with the Islamic geography in addition to its relations with the West, by protecting oppressed geographies, by abandoning elitist approaches and by revealing the energy of the Anatolian people, it has both solved its internal problems and become an island of peace and freedom in its region.
Today, as the Republic prepares to become a world power in its 100th year, it is the hope of humanity, the guarantor of regional peace and the spokesperson for the ideal of a just world. Today, at the beginning of Türkiye's republican century, wherever possible, from Libya to Syria, from Somalia to Azerbaijan, from Iraq to Kosovo, from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to Bosnia, Palestine and the interior of Africa, justice, freedom and security have been guaranteed. Even if the world powers for whom this image of pride has become a disaster are planning to trip up Türkiye in every area, the arrow is out of the bow and heading relentlessly towards its target. Despite the wars going on all around us, with the strength it draws from the values on which it is founded and from the nation, it is overcoming all the obstacles that stand in its way, repelling all the threats and pursuing its path towards the ideal of a Greater Türkiye and a just world by working and producing more in all areas, from education to the economy, from culture to foreign policy. This is the way to protect the Republic.
As Memur-Sen, we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of our Republic. Turning the 100th anniversary of the Republic into a Turkish century; we hope that this will be a great step towards the rebirth, peace and prosperity of our region. We mercifully commemorate all the members of our nation who fought for salvation and the future 100 years ago, especially our martyrs and veterans who sacrificed their lives for this cause.