Shaping the Future of Social Dialogue Together in Turkey
24.01.19, Thursday
On the occasion of the closing meeting of the 'Improving Social Dialogue in Working Life” Project co-financed and set up by the ILO Turkey and the EU, on January 17, 2019, the president of the Confederation of Public Servants Trade Union (MEMUR-SEN), Ali YALÇIN, participated in a panel entitled " Shaping the Future of Social Dialogue Together in Turkey".
In his speech, Ali YALÇIN reiterated the fundamental importance of social dialogue as a sine qua non for successful economic and social development; "A multilateral governance framework based on the participation of social partners through a multilateral approach encourages social responsibility, as a condition of progress, social dialogue is a democratic obligation, "he said.
Brought to express himself on the question of the future of work, YALÇIN opposed the idea of the replacement of human labour by artificial intelligence: "the question is of a remarkable complexity, the fear of machines, robots and technology is a fear that does not date from yesterday, if the artificial intelligence will actually destroy millions of jobs, it will also create as much, artificial intelligence is not to be feared because it is hard to imagine a future of work without human capital, "he said.
Lastly, the conference was hosted by the ILO with the participation of Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, ILO Turkey Director Numan Özcan, U.N. Resident Coordinator Irena Vojackova-Sollorano, Deputy-Head of EU Delegation to Turkey Gabriel Munuera Vinals and the presidents of the Trade Union Confederations and the Employers' Associations.
Two award ceremonies for the competition on "Best Enterprise on Social Dialogue Mechanisms" and the short movie competition on "Social Dialogue and Trade Union Rights," were also held during the closing event