Memur-Sen to attend ILO’s 108th International Labour Conference in Geneva
12.06.19, Wednesday
The member States of the ILO meet at the International Labour Conference, held every year in Geneva, Switzerland, in the month of June. This year’s ILO's Labour Conference is held in between 10–21 June 2019.The Centenary Session of the International Labour Conference brought together more than 40 heads of state and government, over 5000 delegates from 187 countries to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world of work, to find solutions to the challenges of the future of the world of work and to celebrate the centenary of the International Labour Organization.
A delegation from the Memur-Sen Confederation of experts and advisers led by its president, Ali Yalçın, took part in the 108th International Labour Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 June 21, 2019.
As the only 'tripartite' UN agency, the ILO this year brought together more than 5,000 delegates, government, employer and worker representatives from 187 member states to set international standards, develop policies and design programs aimed at to promote decent work for everyone. World leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the principle of social justice on which the ILO was founded 100 years ago.
This year, there has been a strong focus on the future of work and the issue of violence and harassment in the world of work.
These two weeks of discussion allowed the Memur-Sen delegation to take part in the work of the ILC and to join its efforts to meet the challenges of a changing world of work.
In addition, a world commission on the future of work has produced an independent report on the steps to be taken towards a future of work that guarantees decent and sustainable jobs for all.
During this two weeks, Memur-Sen came together with labour organizations from different countries, hold meetings and discussed current issues about working life in the 100th anniversary of the ILO conference on” The Future of Work”.