Memur-Sen Delegation at the 4th Ordinary Congress of Niger’s CDTN
25.09.18, Tuesday
Mr. Günay Kaya, Vice President of Memur-Sen Confederation, travelled to Niamey, Niger from 17th to 19th September to participate in the 4th Ordinary Congress of The Democratic Confederation of Workers of Niger (CDTN). Speaking at the congress, Mr. Kaya stated that, as Memur-Sen Confederation, they will stand against all kinds of discourse that exploits human beings and labour.
In his address, Mr. Kaya said: "It is a great pleasure for us to attend the 4th Congress of the CDTN and I would like to express my warm thanks and greetings on this occasion for the kind invitation, for the hospitality and warm welcome that have been reserved for our delegation. I bring you the greetings of the Memur-Sen Confederation and our wishes for success for your activities. The exploitation of labour is truly a global problem, affecting all regions and countries of the world, whether industrialized or developing, rich or poor, and violates all basic labour standards. The exploitation of labour continues to manifest itself in new forms around the world. That's why we are mobilizing in the name of decent work for all, "he said.Memur-Sen Delegation met with CDTN Secretary-General Idrissa Djibrilla and he also thanked the delegation for attending the congress.